Help us to help you! Here at Willaston Surgery we want to make your experience as smooth as possible.

From 31st July 2016 all organisations that provide NHS or adult social care must follow the Accessible Information standard by law.

The aim of this is to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get information that they can access and understand as well as any communication support they may require.

In order to help us as a Practice, we would encourage anyone wishing to avail themselves of this service to come forward and inform reception so we can update your patient record. Going forward we have included these questions on our New Registration forms so we have all the relevant details from all new patients and on our in house television screen.

Unfortunately we are still working with Emis, our provider for Patient Online Access to see if they can provide a suitable service to enable these patients to make use of the online facilities.

We will keep you updated on this. However, should you require anything else ie larger print, audio, braille etc please inform reception and we will do our best to facilitate this.

We do appreciate every individual will have different needs and as a practice we will always endeavour to meet these needs.

Thank you